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1st I-MDRC National Conference on Teaching Motor Development

Conference Details

Conference Details

November 9 and 10, 2023
2-6 pm CST, via Microsoft Teams

Hosted by the I-MDRC and the University of Texas at Arlington (USA)


Conference Organizing Committee: Priscila Tamplain, Ph.D. (Chair), Jane E. Clark, Ph.D., Nancy Getchell, Ph.D., Jackie Goodway, Ph.D., Sam Logan, Ph.D., and Pamela Beach, Ph.D.


Registration: Registration is FREE for I-MDRC members AND NASPSPA members. Please submit the registration form here by October 18, 2023 to register. The link for Microsoft Teams will be sent closer to the conference date. Please note, membership will be cross-checked with organizations!


Abstracts: The committee would like to request focused abstracts that describe or explain specific methodologies, assignments, labs, exams, quizzes, group projects, and anything related to Teaching MD for oral presentations (presenters will be asked to send pre-recorded videos ahead of time so we have time for Q&A during the conference).


Abstract Structure: Arial font, size 12, limit 300 words


Please submit your abstract as an attached pdf file to by September 22nd, 2023. The file should be labeled as "Lead presenter name_topic area_focus of presentation".


Example: Goodway_Activities_Infant_Reflexes


Conference Program: Coming soon



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